I'm trying to make a Ruby on Rails engine, and I want the initializer to be able to have access to the helpers and models.
I'll write below an example, part of the code, and the error that I have. It may not be the recommended way, because I can see that in some cases I'm repeating myself, but it's the first engine I make.
file lib/my_engine/engine.rb
module MyEngine
require 'my_engine/functions'
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace MyEngine
config.autoload_paths += %W( #{config.root}/lib )
class GlobalVars
attr_accessor :foo
def initialize
@foo = MyEngine::Functions.new
class << self
mattr_accessor :GLOBAL
mattr_accessor :USER_CONFIG
self.GLOBAL = MyEngine::GlobalVars.new
# add default values of more config vars here
self.USER_CONFIG = 'default config'
def self.setup(&block)
yield self
file lib/my_engine/functions.rb
module MyEngine
require '../../app/helpers/my_engine/options_helper'
class Functions
include MyEngine::OptionsHelper
attr_accessor :some_link
def initialize
@some_link = get_option('dummy')
There is also a controller named OptionsController
in app/controllers/my_engine, and OptionsHelper
in app/helpers/my_engine/options_helper.rb:
module MyEngine
module OptionsHelper
def get_option(name)
When I try to run the dummy application, this error occurs:
/app/helpers/my_engine/options_helper.rb:4:in `get_option': uninitialized constant MyEngine::Option (NameError)
If I change to just Option.new
, I have this error:
/app/helpers/my_engine/options_helper.rb:4:in `get_option': uninitialized constant MyEngine::OptionsHelper::Option (NameError)
For ::MyEngine::Option.new
, I have:
/app/helpers/my_engine/options_helper.rb:4:in `get_option': uninitialized constant MyEngine::Option (NameError)
For ::Option.new
, I have:
/app/helpers/my_engine/options_helper.rb:4:in `get_option': uninitialized constant Option (NameError)
The dummy application has nothing in it. All helpers and models defined above are in the engine.
Before this, I had other errors because it couldn't access the helper, or the Functions
class. I had to add require and include to make it work even if they are placed in the same directory. Also, to work, I had to move GlobalVars
from its own file inside engine.rb.
Can somebody show me what I'm doing wrong?
After I used required for every class, I ended with ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished
, and it seems that not everything is loaded and available at that point when the GLOBAL
object is created.
So I moved the code that was using the models in a separate init
method. Then, I added an after initialize event:
config.after_initialize do