I am trying to build reactive application with monix 3.0.0-RC1.
For instance a have a Seq of Int's, and the second element is wrong. I can use Oservable.raiseError(...)
to handle this:
.flatMap( i =>
if (i == 2) Observable.raiseError(new Exception("Wrong i"))
else Observable.pure(i)
.doOnNext(i => println(s"Processing $i"))
.foreachL(i => println(s"Finished $i"))
.onErrorHandle(_ => Task.unit)
I do not like thrown exception in the code above.
In the other hand I can use Scala's Either
.map( i =>
if (i == 2) Left("Wrong i")
else Right(i)
.doOnNext(either => either.map( i => println(s"Processing $i") ))
.foreachL(either => either.map( i => println(s"Finished $i") ))
But either => either.map(...)
in every step in not cool.
What is the better way to handle errors?
You can use collect
if you only care about the right result, e.g.
val logError = {
case Right(_) => Task.unit
case Left(i) => Task.delay(println(s"An error occured $i"))
.map( i =>
if (i == 2) Left("Wrong i")
else Right(i)
.collect {
case Right(value) => value
.foreachL(i => println(i))