I'm trying to reproduce a deadlock from Herlihy's "The Art of Multiprocessor Programming" in TLA+. In the following code when a thread wants to acquire a lock it marks itself as a victim and proceed only when another thread becomes a victim. There is a deadlock here if another thread never comes.
class LockTwo implements Lock {
private int victim;
public void lock() {
int i = ThreadID.get();
victim = i; // let the other go first
while (victim == i) {} // wait
public void unlock() {}
The TLA+ spec is as follows:
------------------------------ MODULE LockTwo ------------------------------
VARIABLE victim, owner, wasVictim
Null == CHOOSE v: v \notin Thread
Init ==
/\ victim = Null
/\ owner = [t \in Thread |-> FALSE]
/\ wasVictim = [t \in Thread |-> FALSE]
TypeOK ==
/\ victim \in Thread \cup {Null}
/\ owner \in [Thread -> BOOLEAN]
/\ wasVictim \in [Thread -> BOOLEAN]
BecomeVictim(t) ==
/\ wasVictim[t] = FALSE
/\ owner[t] = FALSE
/\ victim' = t
/\ wasVictim' = [wasVictim EXCEPT ![t] = TRUE]
/\ UNCHANGED owner
AcquireLock(t) ==
/\ wasVictim[t] = TRUE
/\ victim # t
/\ owner' = [owner EXCEPT ![t] = TRUE]
/\ wasVictim' = [wasVictim EXCEPT ![t] = FALSE]
/\ UNCHANGED victim
ReleaseLock(t) ==
/\ owner[t] = TRUE
/\ owner' = [owner EXCEPT ![t] = FALSE]
/\ UNCHANGED <<victim, wasVictim>>
Next ==
\E t \in Thread: BecomeVictim(t) \/ AcquireLock(t) \/ ReleaseLock(t)
MutualExclusion ==
\A t1, t2 \in Thread: (t1 # t2) => ~ (owner[t1] /\ owner[t2])
EventualSuccess ==
\A t \in Thread: (victim = t) ~> owner[t]
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_<<victim, owner, wasVictim>> /\ EventualSuccess
TLA spec runs fine with Thread = {t1, t2} where t1 and t2 are model values.
How to make TLA to report a deadlock?
See answer by Leslie Lamport on the semi-official Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tlaplus/rp5cE4IzEnM
(Mirror: http://discuss.tlapl.us/msg03229.html)