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Inheriting a non-abstract class and turning all of its functions into abstractmethods

An upstream interface was given to me with all of its functions defined as non-abstract when in reality they should be decorated with @abstractmethods. I want to receive an error when I did not implement one of its functions when it's called. To do this, I would create a wrapper class and manually go through each of its defined functions and do something like this:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Foo(object):
    def foo(self):

class AbstractFoo(Foo, ABC):
    def foo(self):
        return super().foo()

class ConcreteFoo(AbstractFoo):
    def foo(self):
        print("Concrete Foo")

f = ConcreteFoo()

Which outputs:

Concrete Foo

I would like some way of just doing this to all functions defined by Foo. Obviously, inherited magic functions like __str__ and __repr__ should be forwarded appropriately.

Does anyone know a nice, pythonic way of doing this?


  • def validate_base_class_implemntation(cls):
        base_cls_funcs = []
        for attr in cls.__bases__[0].__dict__:
            if callable(getattr(cls, attr)):
        cls_funcs = []
        for attr in cls.__dict__:
            if callable(getattr(cls, attr)):
        missing_funcs = [x for x in base_cls_funcs if x not in cls_funcs]
        if len(missing_funcs) > 0:
            print("Not implemented functions are: {}".format(','.join(missing_funcs)))
            raise Exception("Not implement function exception!")
        return cls
    class Foo(object):
        def foo(self):
        def boo(self):
    class ConcreteFoo(Foo):
        def foo(self):
            print("Concrete Foo")
    f = ConcreteFoo()

    Not sure in 100% if that what you meant.

    this decorator checks that the class decorated implements all the base class function(in your case, they are not decorated with abstract). if there is a function that your decorated class does not implement, it raises exception.