If I hover on the volume Icon it adds a mat-slider
which pushes the whole content down, how can I prevent this ?
Reproducible in this Stackblitz example
<div>Hover on below icon to see jumping</div>
<span class="volume-controls"
(mouseover)="showVolSlider = true"
(mouseleave)="showVolSlider = false">
<button mat-icon-button
<img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcT34nN7TXRgBVDzlAXnsLNkKK-oxUSRDgfV0RXrudKTH8ivIUcQ" style="height: 20px">
<span class="slider-wrapper" [hidden]="!showVolSlider">
All you need is to add to your SASS file
By default the volume add 8px to the top padding. mirroring that will avoid the re-align
.volume-controls {
About your 2nd question all you have to do is fixed the size of your contaier. I guess that will be the simpler way:
.volume-controls {
max-height:55px !important;