I have the following codes:
var filteredRange = rangeVals.filter(function(val){
return val[C2] == "ANTHONY";
This code works fine for an exact match. But if I would like to look for any values that ends with Y, this does not return anything:
var filteredRange = rangeVals.filter(function(val){
return val[C2] == "*Y";
I have tried to us wildcard "%Y" but apparently this is not the correct way either. I have tried to look into this resource of RegExp from MDN but I can't seem to integrate the information for this purpose. I have read a lot of different posts here but none seem to address what I need so far. Can someone point me in the right direction? I am interested in knowing how to retrieve values that match based on a partial match, e.g. beginning with a letter, or ending with a letter, or containing string like 'cde' in 'abcdefg'
at the last character, from the 2 dimensional array using Google Apps Script.If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
return val[C2] == "*Y";
return val[C2].slice(-1) == "Y";
return val[C2][val[C2].length - 1] == "Y";
return /Y$/.test(val[C2]); // regex is used.
at the last character, please modify return val[C2] == "*Y";
to return /abc$/.test(val[C2]);
and return val[C2].slice(-3) === "abc";
in the value,. please modify return val[C2] == "*Y";
to return val[C2].indexOf("cde") > -1;
.If I misunderstood your question and this was not the result you want, I apologize.