I am trying to create a BCP file with | delimiter and then load it to a snowflake table.
Issue: in SQL server there are columns defined as CHAR(4) and have values "sss" so when i do BCP the its being padded to length of 4 "sss " and being loaded to snowflake due to which our reports are failing because they do something like where column="SSS" but due to trailing space in snowflake the correct columns are not showing up.
we do not want to change our reports. So, is there a way that BCP can handle the padding or trimming of these columns?
note that there 24 tables and each have around 130+ columns so i cant go and put Trim functions on each char column
So, is there a way that BCP can handle the padding or trimming of these columns?
Yes, but not by some switch or option. The correct way to handle this is to set your datatypes up front. As someone mentioned in comments to your question, your query that is creating BCP output should use VARCHAR(4) instead of CHAR(4). BCP is giving you what you asked of it. They way to avoid whitespace is to use varchar.
Seems like a fairly quick "find and replace" against scripted out query objects would work fine but you know your situation best.
Additionally, "trim" wont work - FYI. Even if the value of the field was only "SSS" (as in your example); if the result/column is defined as CHAR(4) you will get 4 bytes of data and a blank in the 4th place since you only had 3 bytes of data. Trim will work during the query... the padded " " you are getting is placed there by the copy out. The way to correct this is to set your data types as you need up front.
Unless someone knows of a better way in snowflake (im not familiar with it) the only other option is to manipulate the file inbetween SQL and Snowflake. replace " |" with "|"... but... blech.