I trying to create a basic evolution simulator, and to do that I require my randomly created creatures to move towards the nearest food. I am confident in the code that gets the direction for the creatures, as I have tested it by modifying the position by the expected amount (Yes I know I should not be directly changing the position). When I then use either move_and_slide
or move_and_collide
I find that instead of moving as expected, they jump to a line or gathering along the centre of the window and appear to randomly move up and down. I am unsure of what is causing this movement as all my past uses of move_and_slide
or move_and_collide
have worked perfectly fine.
func move(food_positions, delta):
if playing:
direction = choose_direction(food_positions)
if direction != null:
This code is called externally as the creatures are instanced within a 'simulation' scene. The food_positions
is an array of Vector2 used to calculate the desired direction. As it is called from another scene I needed to pass the delta value in for when using move_and_collide
The code for the choose_direction
is as follows:
var closest_food_pos = null
var closest_food_distance = null
# iterate through each food
for food_pos in food_positions:
# get distance betweeen the two positions
var gap = food_pos - position
var distance_food_me = sqrt(pow(gap.x,2) + pow(gap.y,2))
# insert test to within view distance here
# confiming that we are not comparing to null
if closest_food_distance != null and closest_food_pos != null:
# comparing distances
if closest_food_distance > distance_food_me:
# setting to closest food
closest_food_distance = distance_food_me
closest_food_pos = food_pos
#if null need to set to first food to compare
closest_food_distance = distance_food_me
closest_food_pos = food_pos
if closest_food_distance != null and closest_food_pos != null:
var gap = closest_food_pos - position
var go_direction = gap.normalized()
return go_direction.normalized()
# add ai go towards function call here
return null
It's not completely finished yet and there are a few bits that I plan to add in future.
Just as a note, this is part of a creature scene, dynamically instanced in a simulation scene which is pre-instanced/part of the main scene to be used for controls and later usability.
The git hub repository is: https://github.com/benpotter480/Evolution_simulation_that_doesnt_work
Sorry if parts of my repository are not shown as is normal as I am new to using it.
Thanks for any advice.
Okay, I have a solution.
I first added a breakpoint at the move_and_slide()
and ran the project from the main scene to step through the code. Nothing looked off. The values were being set and initialized. I added print statements to find out what food_positions
, creature_positions
, and direction
were showing over time, thinking that the first frames weren't to blame. But, nothing looked off.
I checked the creature scene. There had to be something there. The code looked fine, nothing that should cause move_and_slide()
to do what it was doing. I ran the creature scene in isolation. Guess what, it worked. So, at least I know it's not in the creature scene.
This was troublesome. It was failing in the simulation for no reason as far as I could tell. I tried generating 100 foods, 100 creatures.
Then 1 creature.
That creature didn't move. That was something. When there were more creatures it was like they were being forced into each other. After some more fiddling, I was mindlessly twirling the wall_left
static body and noticing that little protuberance and then, wait, that's not a RectangleShape2D
I deleted all the walls and...
It worked! The simulation worked!
The LineShape2D
collision shapes of the walls had its normals facing the wrong way. Change the LineShape2D
's Normal
from (0, -1)
to (0, 1)
That was a head scratcher. Hope this helps and happy coding!