I have a set of bash log functions which enable me to comfortably redirect all output to a log file and bail out in case something happens:
#! /usr/bin/env bash
# This script is meant to be sourced
export SCRIPT=$0
if [ -z "${LOG_FILE}" ]; then
export LOG_FILE="./log.txt"
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11904907/redirect-stdout-and-stderr-to-function
# If the message is piped receives info, if the message is a parameter
# receives info, message
log() {
local TYPE
local IN
local PREFIX
local LINE
if [ -n "$2" ]; then
if read -r LINE; then
while read -r LINE; do
IN=$(echo -e "${IN}")
if [ -n "${IN}" ]; then
PREFIX=$(date +"[%X %d-%m-%y - $(basename "${SCRIPT}")] ${TYPE}: ")
IN="$(echo "${IN}" | awk -v PREFIX="${PREFIX}" '{printf PREFIX}$0')"
touch "${LOG_FILE}"
echo "${IN}" >> "${LOG_FILE}"
# receives message as parameter or piped, logs as info
info() {
log "( INFO )" "$@"
# receives message as parameter or piped, logs as an error
error() {
log "(ERROR )" "$@"
# logs error and exits
fail() {
error "$1"
exit 1
# Reroutes stdout to info and sterr to error
"$@" > >(info) 2> >(error)
return $?
Then I use the functions as follows:
source "log_functions.sh"
info "Program started"
log_wrap some_command arg0 arg1 --kwarg=value || fail "Program failed"
Which works. Since log_wrap
redirects stdout and sterr I don't want it interfering with commands composed using piping or redirections. Such as:
log_wrap echo "File content" > ~/user_file || fail "user_file could not be created."
log_wrap echo "File content" | sudo tee ~/root_file > /dev/null || fail "root_file could not be created."
So I want a way to group those commands so their redirection is solved and then pass that to log_wrap
. I am aware of two ways of grouping:
Subshells: They are not meant to be passed around, naturally this:
log_wrap ( echo "File content" > ~/user_file ) || fail "user_file could not be created."
throws a syntax error.
Braces (grouping?, context?): When called inside a command, the brace is interpreted as an argument.
log_wrap { echo "File content" > ~/user_file } || fail "user_file could not be created."
Is roughly equivalent (in my understanding) to:
log_wrap '{' echo "File content" > ~/user_file '}' || fail "user_file could not be created."
To recapitulate, my question is: Is there a way to pass a composition of commands, in my case composed by redirection/piping, to a bash function?
The way it's set up, you can only pass what Posix calls simple commands -- command names and arguments. No compound commands like subshells or brace groups will work.
However, you can use functions to run arbitrary code in a simple command:
foo() { { echo "File content" > ~/user_file; } || fail "user_file could not be created."; }
log_wrap foo
You could also consider just automatically applying your wrapper to all commands in the rest of the script using exec
exec > >(info) 2> >(error)
{ echo "File content" > ~/user_file; } || fail "user_file could not be created.";