I am trying to understand how FetchXml works (or any other method) because I want to retrieve and process more than the limit of 5000 records that CRM returns on the api call below.
My base url looks like this: http://crm.domain.com:1234/api/data/v8.0/
the resource is: emails
and query options are: $top=50000&$filter=description ne null and not contains(sender, '@not-interesting.com')
I'm trying to copy the code from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dynamicscrm-2016/developers-guide/gg327917(v=crm.8)?redirectedfrom=MSDN
but I'm having issues with creating the OrganizationServiceProxy
object like this:
var creds = new ClientCredentials();
creds.UserName.UserName = CrmApiUsername;
creds.UserName.Password = CrmApiPassword;
using (var _serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(
new Uri(CrmApiBaseAddress), null, creds, null))
// This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.
_serviceProxy.EnableProxyTypes(); // ...
I'm getting an error:
Metadata contains a reference that cannot be resolved: 'http://crm.domain.com:1234/data/v8.0/?wsdl&sdkversion=90'.' WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
You mixed up these two:
When you use web api the url will be like: https://yourcrm.crm#.dynamics.com/api/data/v8.0/
In case of Organization Service Proxy still the 2011 endpoint: https://yourcrm.crm.dynamics.com/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc
For breaking the 5000 records limitation & getting more than 5k records, the pagination concept has to be used. How to fetch more than 5000 entities from CRM
For more ideas, I have answered in this SO thread about other options.