I have an object that extends the App trait, and I want to write some tests that use this object. E.g.
object EntryPoint extends App {
println("running the app")
// runs misc code
I want to write something like:
class EntrySpec extents FlatSpec {
val entryPoint = EntryPoint(Array("Some arg"))
// do stuff with the entrypoint object
But when I try to do this, I cant seem to access the EntryPoint object in my test. All other objects and classes resolve normally. What is going wrong here?
Just write with .main(..)
in EntrySpec
object EntryPoint extends App {
println(s"running the app, args=${args.mkString}")
import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
class EntrySpec extends FlatSpec {
EntryPoint.main(Array("Some arg")) // prints "running the app, args=Some arg"
assert(1 + 1 === 2)
Everything should work.