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How to call App object from inside of tests

I have an object that extends the App trait, and I want to write some tests that use this object. E.g.

object EntryPoint extends App {
  println("running the app")
  // runs misc code

I want to write something like:

class EntrySpec extents FlatSpec {
  val entryPoint = EntryPoint(Array("Some arg"))
  // do stuff with the entrypoint object

But when I try to do this, I cant seem to access the EntryPoint object in my test. All other objects and classes resolve normally. What is going wrong here?


  • Just write with .main(..) in EntrySpec


    object EntryPoint extends App {
      println(s"running the app, args=${args.mkString}")


    import org.scalatest.FlatSpec
    class EntrySpec extends FlatSpec {
      EntryPoint.main(Array("Some arg")) // prints "running the app, args=Some arg"
      assert(1 + 1 === 2)

    Everything should work.