I am trying to use .net-core 3 with Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore by this article: https://www.devart.com/dotconnect/oracle/articles/efcore-database-first-net-core.html#nuget
I created new project, installed packages as the article said but Scaffolding ends up with an error:
Unable to resolve service for type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Diagnostics.LoggingDefinitions' while attempting to activate 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Scaffolding.Internal.RelationalScaffoldingModelFactory'.
My Scaffold cmd:
Scaffold-DbContext "User Id=<user>;
license key=<reallyLoooongKey>" Devart.Data.Oracle.Entity.EFCore -Tables <FooTable>
My .csproj:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<PackageReference Include="Devart.Data.Oracle.EFCore" Version="9.9.872" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools" Version="3.0.0">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
Does anyone else experienced this? Thank you
The bug with using Scaffold-DbContext in EF Core 3 is fixed. The internal builds with the fix are available here:
As a workaround with a current public build, you can use Entity Developer (Add > New item > ASP.NET Core > Devart EF Core Model, *.efml) that is a visual designer (Database First / Model First) for EF Core.