Detox was working fine as expected a couple of weeks ago - i've not updated anything to my knowledge and now I keep getting the following error when trying to test (it builds fine):
Error: Can't find a simulator to match with "iPhone 6s", run 'xcrun simctl list' to list your supported devices.
It is advised to only state a device type, and not to state iOS version, e.g. "iPhone 7"
at AppleSimUtils.findDevicesUDID (/Users/user/Documents/work/app/e2e/node_modules/detox/src/devices/ios/AppleSimUtils.js:47:13)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
If I run applesimutils --list --byName "iPhone 6s" it shows 2 devices:
"deviceType" : {
"name" : "iPhone 6s",
"bundlePath" : "\/Applications\/\/Contents\/Developer\/Platforms\/iPhoneOS.platform\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Profiles\/DeviceTypes\/iPhone 6s.simdevicetype",
"identifier" : ""
"state" : "Shutdown",
"isAvailable" : true,
"name" : "iPhone 6s",
"udid" : "A87C2EF9-95D2-4562-99BE-E1A39A63ABB1",
"os" : {
"buildversion" : "17B102",
"bundlePath" : "\/Applications\/\/Contents\/Developer\/Platforms\/iPhoneOS.platform\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Profiles\/Runtimes\/iOS.simruntime",
"isAvailable" : true,
"name" : "iOS 13.2",
"identifier" : "",
"version" : "13.2.2"
"deviceType" : {
"name" : "iPhone 6s",
"bundlePath" : "\/Applications\/\/Contents\/Developer\/Platforms\/iPhoneOS.platform\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Profiles\/DeviceTypes\/iPhone 6s.simdevicetype",
"identifier" : ""
"state" : "Shutdown",
"isAvailable" : true,
"name" : "iPhone 6s",
"udid" : "F5A2C1D3-5416-431C-A9B5-6054A238283D",
"os" : {
"buildversion" : "16E226",
"bundlePath" : "\/Library\/Developer\/CoreSimulator\/Profiles\/Runtimes\/iOS 12.2.simruntime",
"isAvailable" : true,
"name" : "iOS 12.2",
"identifier" : "",
"version" : "12.2"
I've tried adding and removing the simulator through xcode and xcrun, but nothing seems to work.
Mac 10.14.6 applesimutils version 0.7.6 detox 14.3.4 xcode 11.2.1
Try upgrading Detox to the latest version (14.7.1
, as of 11/15/2019), there was a fix to the simulator selection logic in aa250258 released in 14.5.0
a month ago.