I have a multiline file, tab separated, which might include (or not) some keywords int the second column,
Place2______________fishing someting
Placexx_____________something missing
Place_somwhere______something else missing
EHDN_______________fishing something
HDGFE______________looking for something
(the lines are uggly but i couldn't manage to make the data look like a table)
I would need to, each time that the line contains 'something missing', to add an annotation at the end of the line, like "ACTION NEEDED THERE";
I've tried someting like:
pattern="something missing"
for line in file:
if pattern in field[1]:
action = ';'.join("ACTION NEEDED")
OUT.write(action.strip().replace('"',' '))
or findall re function without success...
Can you help me please ? Should re.findall work here ? I've tried pattern=re.findall("something missing", line) but it's not working.... Sorry for asking that but i did not manage to find the right answer in the previous posts..... Many Thanks in advance !
Change this,
if pattern in field[1]:
if any([True for word in pattern.split() if word in line]):
You can add the annotation by,
line+" "+your_annotation