My original code is :
String sql = "select t.* from (select dId, " +
"case when substr(dWord, 1, 4) in ('das ', 'der ','die ') " +
"then substr(dWord, 5) else dWord end as dWord " +
"from german) t where t.dWord like '%' || ? || '%' " +
"order by instr(t.dWord, ?), t.dWord";
c = mydb.rawQuery(sql, new String[] {search, search});
For example when I searched 'A' it show all word stared with Capital 'A' sorted alphabetically and then show words started with 'a' alphabetically. But I want to consider 'a' as 'A' and 'A' as 'a'.What should I change on my code? Edit1 = I know COLLATE NOCASE but i don't know how I use it on my code .
Change the last line of the statement to:
order by instr(lower(t.dWord), lower(?)), lower(t.dWord)
The function lower()
will convert both the column value and the search string to lower case, to simulate case insensitive comparison inside the function instr()