I'm having problem with loading $schema in SPFx within my new web part for SP. Web part is working on benchmark.aspx but my whole manifest is not being processed so I can't set preconfiguredEntries and it's big problem for me.
error is: Problems loading reference 'https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/spfx/client-side-manifest-base.schema.json': Request vscode/content failed unexpectedly without providing any details.(768)
Any idea on this issue please?
"$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/spfx/client-side-web-part-manifest.schema.json",
"id": "56dab116-67ba-453f-883d-b7a11690e965",
"alias": "ReadListWebPart",
"supportedHosts": ["SharePointWebPart"],
"componentType": "Webpart",
"version": "1.0",
"manifestVersion": "2",
"requiresCustomScript": false,
"preconfiguredEntries": [{
"groupId": "5c03119e-3074-46fd-976b-c60198311f70",
"group": { "default": "Other" },
"title": { "default": "read-list" },
"description": { "default": "popis web party" },
"officeFabricIconFontName": "Page",
"properties": {
"vedouci_velke_foto": true,
"asistenti_pod_vedoucim": false,
"nazev_web_party": "To jsme my"
I checked the manifest.json, will be the same as yours, have the following waring:
Then tested to access "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/spfx/client-side-web-part-manifest.schema.json" in my local, no problem, still can be accessed.
After this, I tested to output the preconfigured properties in React SPFX Web Part like this:
Still able to output properties:
In conclusion, you can just igore this issue, it's still able to read preconfiguredEntries.