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Subcomponent.Builder -> Factory when using seedInstance to bind instance data

I have an inherited code project that I am working on updating to the latest version of Dagger (2.25.2)

I want to switch from using the deprecated @Subcomponent.Builder to the newer @Subcomponent.Factory. My one sticking point is how to handle binding for instance variables to my view model. The current pattern is the same as is described in this blog post:

Basically using seedInstance to get the instance then using BindsInstance:

abstract class Builder: AndroidInjector.Builder<ExampleActivity>() {

    abstract override fun build(): ExampleComponent

    abstract fun currency(currency: String): Builder

    override fun seedInstance(instance: ExampleActivity) {

What I have been unable to find are very many examples of overriding the create method for @Subcomponent.Factory to bind the instance data.


  • To bind an instance using factory you need to pass it as an argument to factory method -

     interface Builder: AndroidInjector.Factory<ExampleActivity>() {
        fun create(@BindsInstance currency : String) : YourSubcomponentType

    And the create method needs to return your SubComponent Type.