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MongoDB - unpack rows from a embedded document into their own column

The Problem

So I have a MongoDB document that looks like so:


        "year": "2017",
        "winners": [
            "name": "james",
            "id": 1
            "name": "adam",
            "id": 2
        "year": "2018",
        "winners": [
            "name": "mary",
            "id": 3
            "name": "jane",
            "id": 4

And I'm basically trying to expand out the winners from each year so that the schema is roughly (year, winner_id) i can later use that for a join I plan on doing. Something like this:


What I've Tried

so intuitively, I'm looking for something like $unwind, but the problem is that winners is not an array.

  • I tried db.awards.aggregate({'$unwind':'$'}) but that didn't work. (gave an empty result)

  • So afterwards I thought db.awards.aggregate({'$unwind': {'$objectToArray':'$'}}) but that didn't work either. (gave an error)

  • According to this post I should do this:

 { '$project': {
    _id: 1,
    'winners': 1
  } },
{'$unwind': '$winners'},
{'$unwind': '$'}

but even that didn't work, I still get the embedded document for each winner

Any thoughts?


  • Your data is invalid JSON. In assume that winners attribute is very likely an array.

    I can see three additional issues in your aggregation commands:

    1. You should pass the aggregation pipeline as an array as well to the aggregate function.
    2. the syntax for $project is different in aggregation pipelines. You do not define which fields should be included. You do define the actual mapping
    3. I do not understand why you wnat to unwind the winners id. The attribute to unwind should be an array and in your example there is only the winners array.

    I think it is easier to do the $unwind before projection

          $unwind: { path: '$winners' }
          $project: {
            year: '$year',
            winner_id: '$'

    Mongo Playground