I am trying to set headers for one of the get request. Following is the function:
getLeads(jwtToken: string): Observable<any>{
const headers = new HttpHeaders();
const authroizationToken = 'bearer '.concat(jwtToken);
console.log(authroizationToken); ------------------> prints the token
headers.append('Authorization', authroizationToken);
console.log(headers.get('Authorization')); ---------------------> this prints null
var result = this.http.get<Leads>(this.getLeadsUrl, {headers});
return result;
But heades.get('Authorization') is null for some reason and I am not able to figure out why. Any help would be much appreciated.
Actually .append
returns the new headers objects. try this it works as expected. Just make sure you assign the headers back to the variable everytime you append a new header.
getLeads(jwtToken: string) {
let headers = new HttpHeaders();
const authroizationToken = 'bearer '.concat(jwtToken);
headers = headers.append('Authorization', authroizationToken);
Here is a working Stackblitz
Hope this helps :)