I have embedded a DataStudio chart on a page using an iframe. It loads without error in Chrome and Firefox, but in IE 11 it fails on initial load (it will load on refresh) and gives this message: "We're sorry! Data Studio is not available right now. Please try again later.".
I can't find any reference to this message that matches the behaviour. Is there any known problems on IE11 with DataStudio? Any other trouble-shooting methods to see what is causing this error?
I try to reproduce the issue with IE 11 browser and I am able to produce the issue.
I noticed that Data of the chart is displaying but chart is not displaying. You can notice that options for charts are also there.
Other thing I noticed that there is an error in the console.
I tried to configure some IE options and settings but it did not made any difference in the result.
I suggest you to keep similar security settings level for all security zones and test on your side.
I try to find the browser support related information in Google Data Studio documentation but I did not got relevant information.
While using the Google Data Studio, I noticed that it is not rendering and working properly with IE as it works with Chrome browser.
In my search, I found that many other users has similar question which was posted on their support forum.
At present, Based on user experience. It looks like Google Data studio is not fully compatible with IE and Edge browser.
I suggest you to raise a question about IE support on their official forum.