I want to fill ffmpeg.formatCtx for raw(LINEAR16,48000khz)
audio file using avformat_open_input()
I've tried to pass own AVInputFormat
, but not suceeded in it.
This is how i used to open file.
std::string fn = "file:" + this->file.path;
int r = avformat_open_input(&ffmpeg.formatCtx, fn.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr);
Tried to find needed format with av_find_input_format(
), but not succeeded to0.
Without input format ffmpeg determines file as mp3
Is there convenient way to do such case?
The main things that gets done in avformat_open_input are:
Because you only have raw audio data, you need to allocate memory for AVFormatContext and fill AVFormatContext by yourself.
Otherwise, the raw audio data don't need to demux and decode, I think you should not use avformat_open_input.