I don't quite know how else to ask. I think I need general guidance here. I've got something like this:
expr = buildExpressionParser table term
<?> "expression"
term = choice [
(float >>= return . EDouble)
, try (natural >>= return . EInteger)
, try (stringLiteral >>= return . EString)
, try (reserved "true" >> return (EBool True))
, try (reserved "false" >> return (EBool False))
, try assign
, try ifelse
, try lambda
, try array
, try eseq
, parens expr
<?> "simple expression"
When I test that parser, though, I mostly get problems... like when I try to parse
(a,b) -> "b"
it is accepted by the lambda
parser, but the expr
parser hates it. And sometimes it even hangs up completely in eternal rules.
I've read through Write Yourself a Scheme, but it only parses the homogeneous source of Scheme.
Maybe I am generally thinking in the wrong direction.
EDIT: Here the internal parsers:
assign = do
i <- identifier
reservedOp "="
e <- expr
return $ EAssign i e
ifelse = do
reserved "if"
e <- expr
reserved "then"
a <- expr
reserved "else"
b <- expr
return $ EIfElse e a b
lambda = do
ls <- parens $ commaSep identifier
reservedOp "->"
e <- expr
return $ ELambda ls e
array = (squares $ commaSep expr) >>= return . EArray
eseq = do
a <- expr
semi <|> (newline >>= (\x -> return [x]))
b <- expr
return $ ESequence a b
table = [
[binary "*" EMult AssocLeft, binary "/" EDiv AssocLeft, binary "%" EMod AssocLeft ],
[binary "+" EPlus AssocLeft, binary "-" EMinus AssocLeft ],
[binary "~" EConcat AssocLeft],
[prefixF "not" ENot],
[binaryF "and" EAnd AssocLeft, binaryF "or" EAnd AssocLeft]
And by "hates it" I meant that it tells me it expects an integer or a floating point.
There appears to be left recursion, which will cause the parser to hang if the choice
in term
ever gets to eseq
-> term
-> eseq
-> expr
The term
will not parse as a lambda
, or an array
, so it will fall into the eseq
I don't see why (a,b) -> "b"
doesn't parse as an expr
, since the choice
in term should hit upon the lambda
, which you say works, before reaching the eseq
. What is the position reported in the parse error?