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Avoid Matrix copy constructor

I have a situation like this:

using JacobiSVD = Eigen::JacobiSVD<MatrixXcd, Eigen::FullPivHouseholderQRPreconditioner>;

class Foo {
        MatrixXcd matrixU;
        MatrixXcd matrixV;

        Foo(const Ref<const MatrixXcd>& mat);

Foo::Foo(const Ref<const MatrixXcd>& mat) {
    JacobiSVD svd(mat, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
    matrixU = svd.matrixU();
    matrixV = svd.matrixV();

    // <proceed to mutate computeU and computeV>

I think the above creates a copy of svd.matrixU() and svd.matrixV() during construction of matrixU and matrixV. Is this true, and is there some way to avoid it?



  • No temporary copies are created during the construction of matrixU and matrixV. Eigen::JacobiSVD inherits from Eigen::SVDBase, which defines the member functions matrixU() and matrixV() which just return a reference to the protected member variables of Eigen::SVDBase that hold the actual matrices.

    However, you are still copying data, but explicitly: you copy the two matrices from the local variable svd into member variables of Foo. If you do not need to modify the U and V matrices in-place, you could store the whole svd in Foo, like so:

    class Foo {
            JacobiSVD svd;
            Foo(const Ref<const MatrixXcd>& mat);
    Foo::Foo(const Ref<const MatrixXcd>& mat):
        svd(mat,  Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV) {
        // proceed to do other things

    Unfortunately, you can't modify the member variables of svd. So if you really need to modify them, and don't need the original values, then your code is fine as it is.