I have deployed the Spring boot app on the OCI compute and its comping up nicely. Compute is created with public ip and have the security list updated to allow connections from internet. But, I wasn't able to hit the end point from internet. For that reason, I thought of configuring the load balancer.
Created load balancer in a separate subnet(, routing table and security list. Configured the LB's security list to send all protocol packets to compute's CIDR( and configured compute's security list to accept the packets from LB. I was expecting LB to make connection with back end. But, its not.
I am able to hit the LB from internet :-
Lb's routing table with all ips routed through internet gateway. There is no routing defined for compute's CIDR as its in the VCN.
LB has its own security list, which has allowed out going packets to compute and incoming from internet as below:
Compute's security list accepting packet's from LB:
Let me know, if I am missing something here.
My backend set connection configuration from LB:
LB fails to make connection with backend, there seems to be no logging info available :
App is working fine , if I access from the compute node :
The LB has a health check that tests the connection to your service. If it fails, the LB will keep your backend out of rotation and give you the critical health like you're seeing.
You can get to it by looking at the backend set and clicking the Update Health Check button.
Edit: Ultimately I figured it out, you should run the following commands on your backend:
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=8080/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --reload
Use the port that you configured your app to listen on.
I used httpd instead of spring, but I also did the following
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/var/www/html(/.*)?"
sudo restorecon -F -R -v /var/www/html
I'm not really too familiar with selinux but you may need to do something similar for your application.
Additionally, setting up a second host in the same subnet to login to and test connecting to the other host will help troubleshooting, since it will verify if your app is accessible at all outside the host that it's on. Once it is, the LB should come up fine.