Consider a simplified version of the problem that I'm trying to solve. Here's my current implementation.
case class Foo()
def addFoo(json: String): EitherT[Future, Exception, Long] = {
def parse(json: String): EitherT[Future, Exception, Foo] = ???
def validate(foo: Foo): EitherT[Future, Exception, Foo] = ???
def save(foo: Foo): EitherT[Future, Exception, Long] = ???
for {
foo <- parse(json)
_ <- validate(foo)
id <- save(foo)
} yield id
This doesn't feel right because, although validate
returns an EitherT
of Exception
or Foo
, it just performs the validation and returns either an exception or an unchanged foo
value. So, we are never interested in the right part of the Either
and never use it. Is there any approach that corresponds better to the "validation" semantics?
If you don't care about right value you can just use Unit
instead of Foo
, like:
def validate(foo: Foo): EitherT[Future, Exception, Unit] = ???