Problem: I got args.JSON
from Figma API and I am trying to pull only the string “id” from the child array. I’m using google app script and Figma API to create a plugin. I want all the pages in Figma with their respective id to appear in google app script’s slides.
Reference: how I got the Pages Array from Figma API
Google App Script Advanced Slides Service
Figma page conversion:
var children = args = {
"document": {
"children": [{
"id": "0:1",
"name": "Layouts",
"type": "CANVAS",
var page = args.document.children; = [];
for (var i in page) {
var pageId =; = [];
for (var i in id) {, push(pages[i].("id"))
Google App Script Slide Create:
function createSlide(presentationId) {
// You can specify the ID to use for the slide, as long as it's unique.
var pageid = page.stringify(id[0])
var requests = [{
'createSlide': {
'objectId': {
'insertionIndex': {
'slideLayoutReference': {
'predefinedLayout': 'TITLE_AND_TWO_COLUMNS'
var slide = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({ 'requests': requests }, presentationId());
Logger.log('Created Slide with ID: ' + slide.replies[0].createSlide.objectId);
I tried using the shift method to get only the id but it ran an error I’m not sure what method to use.
I tried filtering all the id out of the page using,filter(("id"))
and it ran but iit cause ab error on my JSON.pages.unshift([1]);
and I still haven't been able to pass pageID
into my var = slide
I also tried running my variable PageID
within and function and it worked as well however I still haven't been able to pass pageID
into my var = slide
Error (in Google app script):
TypeError: Cannot call method "unshift" of undefined.
at fuctionn3(filename:53)
So what you want to turn var2 into a variable to capture the ID from var1. to unshift
the string from the var1's array. then you want to use the concate
with var 2 and var 3 give your slide an id.
function strings() {
var var2 = {};
var var1 = args.document.children; = [];
for (var i in page) {[1].id);
function createPresentation(NewSlides, Slide) {
var NewSlides = pageJSON.concat(Slide);
var presentation = Slides.Presentations.create({
title: "MyNewPresentation"
Logger.log("Created presentation with ID: " + presentation.s);
function createSlide(presentationId, NewSlides) {
// You can specify the ID to use for the slide, as long as it's unique.
var pageid = page.stringify(id[0]);
var requests = [
createSlide: {
objectId: {
insertionIndex: {
slideLayoutReference: {
predefinedLayout: "TITLE_AND_TWO_COLUMNS"
var var3 = Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate(
{ requests: requests },
"Created Slide with ID: " + slide.replies[0].createSlide.objectId