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What is the proper way to decide whether to allow unsafe package versions in pip-tools?

I am trying to use pip-tools to manage a venv (as in python -m venv .venv) environment. The freshly-activated environment has nothing but pip-tools initially:

> pip list
Package   Version
--------- -------
Click     7.0
pip       19.3.1
pip-tools 4.2.0
six       1.13.0

I created a requirements/ file with just:


Running pip-compile --upgrade --build-isolation --generate-hashes --output-file requirements/main.txt requirements/ gives me this warning:

# WARNING: The following packages were not pinned, but pip requires them to be
# pinned when the requirements file includes hashes. Consider using the --allow-unsafe flag.
# setuptools==41.6.0        # via kiwisolver
The generated requirements file may be rejected by pip install. See # WARNING lines for details.

As warned, pip install --upgrade -r requirements/main.txt rejects the operation with:

ERROR: In --require-hashes mode, all requirements must have their versions pinned with ==. These do not:
    setuptools from (from kiwisolver==1.1.0->-r requirements/main.txt (line 11)) 

So now my predicament is: should I use --allow-unsafe? What are the implications of doing this? I tried it and found that the generated requirements file has it pinned to that particular version, which kiwisolver (I guess a transitive dependency of numpy/matplotlib) needs right? But why is this unsafe?

If I understand it correctly, I can keep my generated requirements for as long as I want, but then - whenever I decide to update - I can re-run pip-compile and create a new requirements file will be fresh and it may have a new kiwisolver that does not have this restriction, right?

What is the reason pip-tools is asking ME to make this decision? Why is this potentially unsafe and what examples are there where one would NOT want to use --allow-unsafe?

A related question is: can I specify to "--allow-unsafe" ONLY for setuptools? It seems to be a parameter of pip-compile which is an all-or-nothing approach. Can I just flag the particular one as "ok to pin"? I would like to be warned again if some OTHER case arises so I can assess whether that's ok or not?


  • So now my predicament is: should I use --allow-unsafe? What are the implications of doing this?

    Yes, you should. This option allows you to pin in requirements.txt the following packages: distribute, pip, and setuptools. If you don't care, go ahead!

    But why is this unsafe?

    AFAIK, those packages could be considered unsafe for the following reasons:

    • Changing the setuptools may cause conflicts with pip ( distribute is the legacy wrapper of setuptools, and it's deprecated since 2013).
    • Changing pip could break pip-tools itself or your system pip.

    That said, discussions in pip-tools' and pip's issue-trackers imply that --allow-unsafe is considered safe enough that it may become the default option in future.