Does any one have a defenative answer?
I am reading so many answers that tell you both thing, one tells you that it is not a problem atall and the other one is very defente NO...Is there any developer over here that has a jailbreaked iphone that is using it to test the application in development?
From what i heard from friends, Not over the web, Apple don't allow that and is checking for that, but over the web i've read that it is not a problem....
I will eventualy remove the stupid (in my eyes, sorry everyone) jailbreak that was installed on my lovely iphone, but i want to know if to do it now or can i wait with that because i want the person that installed it to remove it and give me the iphone i asked for....never mind, if i can wait, I preffer to do it this way (might take weeks of month as we do not leave in the same place) but if i have to, i will do it by myself and that's all..
Yes, you can.
No, you shouldn't, not if you want to submit to the App Store, as there may be differences in app behaviour between a jailbroken and stock iPhone.