I'm trying to find a package or R code
that can help to calculate the time duration of different time points for multiple subjects.
This is what the data looks like
SubjectID | Task |Duration
A |Cleaning |0:10:01
A |Cleaning |2:33:54
A |Carpeting |0:16:16
A |Carpeting |0:19:23
A |Painting |0:20:16
B |Cleaning |1:45:60
B |Carpeting |0:15:01
B |Painting |1:15:10
B |Painting |0:15:60
C |Carpeting |1:16:16
C |Cleaning |0:20:16
C |Painting |0:30:10
I want to get this table
SubjectID |Number |Number |Number |Total number |Duration |
|of Cleaning |of Carpeting |of Painting | of Tasks |in hours |
A | 2 | 2 | 1 | 5 | 3:33:11 |
B | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 3:52:18 |
C | 1 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2:10:07 |
Do you you know a package or an approach that can help me to get the table 2
For dealing with times and dates, the lubridate
package is pretty popular, and works well with other parts of the tidyverse
like dplyr
from Gonzalo above. There are a number of functions to convert strings to dates or times, and then to durations and periods that can be summed up.
Here's an example for your case, using hms()
, periods_to_seconds()
, and as.duration()
# Need to load lubridate explicitly, even though it's part of tidyverse
duration_strings <- c("0:10:01", "2:33:54", "0:16:16")
# Convert strings to times, then from times to seconds.
secs <- period_to_seconds(hms(duration_strings))
# Convert strings to times, and then to duration objects
durations <- as.duration(hms(duration_strings))
The output as seconds or durations will print differently, but they will sum up and get you an overall total length of time either way.
> secs
[1] 601 9234 976
> durations
[1] "601s (~10.02 minutes)" "9234s (~2.56 hours)" "976s (~16.27 minutes)"
If you need the final sum formatted in the same HH:MM:SS format, you might need to do some additional tricks, like shown here: Is it possible to print a duration with HH:MM:SS format?