I am using a code which captures a frame from a video which I found in CodeProject
The code runs great on 32bit, the problem starts when I try to run on 64bit systems.
The exception thrown is "AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted"
I debugged in 32bit and in 64bit platforms and found where the problem is-
mediaType = new AMMediaType();
videoInfo = (VideoInfoHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure(mediaType.formatPtr, typeof(VideoInfoHeader));
After the second line I looked at mediaType contents and it is completely different in 64bit over 32, which causes the next line to throw the exception(mediaType.formatPtr has different value)
I assume the problem is with the type "IntPtr" which size is different on the 2 platforms(4 vs 8 bytes) the thing is that I don't know how to overcome this problem.
Any kind of help would be good, thanks in advance, Liran.
found the solution - the problem lies within the DirectShow DLL, FrameGrabber referenced an old version of the dll, I downloaded and replaced the reference with their latest DLL and problem solved.
Thanks for your post, Liran.