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How to debug "instance method 'adnw_URLEncodedString' conflicts" error?

I am getting the following warning when I compile my app with Xcode 11:

ld: warning: instance method 'adnw_URLEncodedString' in category from /Users/home/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-evxdjsslmaznvcdhgkuqnuyetuyc/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ conflicts with same method from another category

I have made sure not to include any ".m" files. I searched the internet extensively to try to figure out where the "adnw_URLEncodedString" method is originating, to no avail.

What is the proper way to go about debugging this warning message?

UPDATE: By process of elimination (removing frameworks and their corresponding code, and re-compiling the app): it has something to do with FBAudienceNetwork working in conjunction with FBSDKCoreKit.


  • Known issues section in the changelog under 5.6.0 -->

    There is a conflicting instance method 'adnw_URLEncodedString' that is present in two different categories. There will not be any side effects as the implementation of this method is identical in both places. There is a warning indicating this issue when building in Xcode, it is safe to ignore it.