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Convert binary string to flags in typescript

I have a binary string which I want to convert to the equivalent flag enum value. My attempt:

const permissionNum = parseInt(this.auth.decodedToken.permissions, 2);
const userPermissions: PermissionFlags = PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags[permissionNum]];

and this is the enum:

export enum PermissionFlags {
  None = 0,
  RemoveMember = 1 << 0,
  Invite = 1 << 1,
  EditArticleSettings = 1 << 2,
  CheckOut = 1 << 3,
  CheckIn = 1 << 4,
  CanView = 1 << 5,
  IsOwner = 1 << 6,
  xxx = 1 << 7

This does work as long as it is a single flag. So if the string is 00111000 this is parsed to 56 but userPermissionsstays undefined. Is that not possible in Typescript?


  • Enums in TypeScript work a bit differently compared to those in C#. After all, they are compiled down to a simple JavaScript object with indexing based on the names and values. Therefor, that object will not contain a valid entry for the index that is the combination of multiple flags, but only for the individual flag values.

    For example, your enum declaration will compile to the following JavaScript:

    export var PermissionFlags;
    (function (PermissionFlags) {
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["None"] = 0] = "None";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["RemoveMember"] = 1] = "RemoveMember";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["Invite"] = 2] = "Invite";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["EditArticleSettings"] = 4] = "EditArticleSettings";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["CheckOut"] = 8] = "CheckOut";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["CheckIn"] = 16] = "CheckIn";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["CanView"] = 32] = "CanView";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["IsOwner"] = 64] = "IsOwner";
        PermissionFlags[PermissionFlags["xxx"] = 128] = "xxx";
    })(PermissionFlags || (PermissionFlags = {}));

    If you now index into the PermissionFlags object with the index 56, you get undefined as no value is defined for that specific index.

    I would rather use the approach in the following code snippet:

    export enum PermissionFlags {
      None = 0,
      RemoveMember = 1 << 0,
      Invite = 1 << 1,
      EditArticleSettings = 1 << 2,
      CheckOut = 1 << 3,
      CheckIn = 1 << 4,
      CanView = 1 << 5,
      IsOwner = 1 << 6,
      xxx = 1 << 7
    export function hasPermission(userPermissions: number | string, flags: PermissionFlags): boolean {
      const perm = typeof userPermissions === "number" ? userPermissions : parseInt(userPermissions, 2);
      return (perm & flags) === flags;
    // Check for permissions by specifying the user permission mask and the target permission flags
    const canInvite = hasPermission("00111000", PermissionFlags.Invite);
    const canCheckInAndIsOwner = hasPermission(56, PermissionFlags.CheckIn | PermissionFlags.IsOwner);
    // Could even call it with PermissionFlags as first argument as those are basically numbers
    const canCheckOut = hasPermission(PermissionFlags.CheckOut | PermissionFlags.IsOwner, PermissionFlags.CheckOut);