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Beamer : overlayarea inside a figure?

in my Beamer presentation, I would like to dynamically switch images in a figure environnement. More precisely, my figure contains 9 subfloats presented 3x3 and each of them should switch between two images during the presentation.

In order to avoid some "tilting" between the different elements, I thought that it would be a good idea to use an overlayarea inside each subfloat.

Sadly, when used in an figure environment, the overlayarea seems to behave very odd : every thing I put in it appear outside the overlayarea ??

Here is a very short example :

\documentclass[9pt, aspectratio=43]{beamer}

\usepackage [francais]{babel}
\usepackage [T1]{fontenc}
\usepackage [utf8]{inputenc}



%% This works fine : 123 appears INSIDE the overlayarea

%% This looks odd : 456 appears OUTSIDE the overlayarea



Perhaps I mis-use this environnement ?

Thanks a lot :)




  • Quick workaround: warp your subimages in minipages of fixed height:

    \documentclass[9pt, aspectratio=43]{beamer}