How to make Card Header Title bold in Gmail Add-on? I tried this, but it doesn`t work:
function mainCardBuild(content) {
return CardService.newCardBuilder()
CardService.newCardHeader().setTitle('<b> MY TITLE </b>')) //doesn`t work bold
I`m sure that we have opportunity to do it, because in Slack Add-on I saw it. Bold card header in Slack
You cannot insert HTML in your title, but you can insert basic HTML into Text Paragraphs (see: Informational widgets and supported text formatting). Your code could then look as follows:
function mainCardBuild(content) {
var boldHeaderSection = CardService.newCardSection()
.addWidget(CardService.newTextParagraph().setText('<b>MY TITLE</b>'));
return CardService.newCardBuilder()
In case you need to do more customisations, I suggest you check out the following example, which uses HTML to create the view Translate Add-on Quickstart.