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How much RAM can my Kubernetes pod grow to?

I'd like to know the current limit on the RAM. (No limit/request was explicitly configured.)

How do I see the current configuration of an existing pod?

[Edit] That configuration would include not only how much memory is now in use, but also the max-limit, the point at which it would be shut down.

(If I blow up the heap with huge strings, I see a limit of approx 4 GB, and the Google Cloud Console shows a crash at 5.4 GB (which of course includes more than the Python interpreter), but I don't know where this comes from. The Nodes have up to 10 GB.)

I tried kubectl get pod id-for-the-pod -o yaml, but it shows nothing about memory.

I am using Google Container Engine.


  • Answer from comment from @Artem Timchenko: kubectl -n NAMESPACE describe pod POD_NAME | grep -A 2 "Limits"