Im asking for help in this case: I want to create function for insert data into 3 tables.
CREATE TABLE "public"."loads" (
"id" int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('loads_id_seq'::regclass),
"user_id" int4 NOT NULL,
"name" varchar(60) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"weight" float4 NOT NULL,
"capacity" float4,
"packing_type" int4,
"price_request" bool
CREATE TABLE "public"."load_loading" (
"load_id" int4 NOT NULL,
"date_from" date,
"date_to" date,
"addr" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"time_min" varchar(6) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"time_max" varchar(6) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default"
CREATE TABLE "public"."load_unloading" (
"load_id" int4 NOT NULL,
"date_from" date NOT NULL,
"date_to" date,
"addr" varchar(120) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"time_min" varchar(6) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default",
"time_max" varchar(6) COLLATE "pg_catalog"."default"
I wrote a function, but cant get any results.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."add_load"("load_date_from" date, "loading_addr" varchar, "unloading_date_from" date, "unloading_addr" varchar, "_user_id" int4, "_name" varchar, "_weight" float4, "_capacity" float4, "_packing_type" int4, "_price_request" bool)
RETURNS TABLE("_load" "public"."loads", "_load_load" "public"."load_loading", "_load_unload" "public"."load_unloading") AS $BODY$
WITH _load AS (
INSERT INTO loads(user_id, name, weight, capacity, packing_type, price_request)
VALUES(_user_id, _name, _weight, _capacity, _packing_type, _price_request) RETURNING *)
, _load_load AS (INSERT INTO load_loading (load_id, date_from, addr)
VALUES ((select id from _load), load_date_from, loading_addr) RETURNING *)
, _load_unload AS (INSERT INTO load_unloading(load_id, date_from, addr)
VALUES ((SELECT id FROM _load), unloading_date_from, unloading_addr) RETURNING *)
TABLE _load;
COST 100
ROWS 1000
When i call she i have this error:
select * from add_load('10-10-2019', 'addr1', '10-11-2019', 'addr2', 123, 'name', 55, 55, 1, true)
> ERROR: structure of query does not match function result type
DETAIL: Returned type integer does not match expected type loads in column 1.
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function add_load(date,character varying,date,character varying,integer,character varying,real,real,integer,boolean) line 3 at RETURN QUERY
I expect from my function see result like all columns from 3 tables;
And another question, is there a way to get the result like this:
id, user_id, name, weight, capacity, packing_type, price_request, {load_loading data}, {load_unloading_data}
The error above is because the function returns :
RETURNS TABLE(_load loads, _load_load load_loading, _load_unload load_unloading) AS $BODY$
and your query returns:
| id | user_id | name | weight | capacity | packing_type | price_request |
If you remove this part:
, _load_load load_loading, _load_unload load_unloading
The function will work as in my DEMO
And for your second question: You should name every column by it's own to do that. Here is the DEMO for that result. And here is the function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION add_load(load_date_from date
, loading_addr varchar(140)
, unloading_date_from date
, unloading_addr varchar(140)
, _user_id int4
, _name varchar(140)
, _weight float4
, _capacity float4
, _packing_type int4
, _price_request bool)
RETURNS TABLE( id int4, user_id1 int4, name varchar(60), weight float4, capacity float4,
packing_type int4, price_request bool, load_id1 int4, date_from1 date,
date_to1 date, addr1 varchar(120), time_min1 varchar(6),
time_max1 varchar(6), load_id2 int4, date_from2 date, date_to2 date,
addr2 varchar(120), time_min2 varchar(6), time_max2 varchar(6)
WITH _load AS (
INSERT INTO loads(user_id, name, weight, capacity, packing_type, price_request)
VALUES(_user_id::int, _name::varchar, _weight::float, _capacity::float, _packing_type::int, _price_request::bool) RETURNING *)
, _load_load AS (INSERT INTO load_loading (load_id, date_from, addr)
VALUES ((select user_id::int from loads), load_date_from::date, loading_addr::varchar) RETURNING *)
, _load_unload AS (INSERT INTO load_unloading(load_id, date_from, addr)
VALUES ((SELECT user_id::int FROM loads), unloading_date_from::date, unloading_addr::varchar) RETURNING *)
select * from _load, _load_load, _load_unload;
COST 100
ROWS 1000