I've created a function in PostgreSQL using DBeaver. & I'm trying to insert data into table by calling the function from DBeaver. But it's giving me an error:
SQL Error [42883]: ERROR: function public.proc_insert_test(integer, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, timestamp with time zone, integer, integer, integer, timestamp with time zone) does not exist Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Position: 8
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.proc_insert_test(
p_brndcode integer, p_brndname varchar(100), p_brndsname varchar(100),
p_prdtype char(1), p_discontinue char(1), p_crddate date,
p_status integer, p_recstat integer, p_brndgrpseqno integer,
p_wefrom date)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $body$
Insert into arc_mmstbrndgroup(brndcode, brndname, brndsname, prdtype, discontinue, crddate, status, recstat, brndgrpseqno, wefrom)
values(p_brndcode, p_brndname, p_brndsname, p_prdtype, p_discontinue, p_crddate, p_status, p_recstat, p_brndgrpseqno, p_wefrom);
Calling the function:
select public.proc_insert_test(123, 'Test2', 'Test2', 'T', 'T', now(), 1, 9, 1234, now());
What can be the issue?
I'm totally new to this.
Postgres doesn't allow implicit conversion from timestamp
to date
data type. Attention - Postgres date
type is different from Oracle's date
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.test(v date)
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
postgres=# SELECT test(now());
ERROR: function test(timestamp with time zone) does not exist
LINE 1: SELECT test(now());
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
postgres=# SELECT test(current_date);
NOTICE: 2019-11-14
| test |
| |
(1 row)
postgres=# SELECT test(now()::date);
NOTICE: 2019-11-14
| test |
| |
(1 row)
The conversion from timestamp
(result type of now()
function) to date
is losing conversions. It is not allowed by default. So you should to enforce it (by explicit casting), or you should to use pseudo constant current_date
that returns date
type, and there is not necessary any conversion.