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Azure DevOps Odata Group by child property is not working

I am using the Azure DevOps Odata endpoints to retrieve data from my projects.

Now I face the problem that I am not able to group by the result based on a sub property of a workitem. The following ODATA query returns me an error message:<organisation>/<project>/_odata/v2.0/WorkItems?
$filter=WorkItemType eq 'Activity'&
$apply=groupby((AssignedTo/UserName, WorkItemType),aggregate($count as TotalCount))&

VS403483: The query specified in the URI is not valid: VS403522: The property 'AssignedTo' is not available on the specified Project(s). Please remove 'AssignedTo' from your query and try again..","innererror":{"message":"VS403522: The property 'AssignedTo' is not available on the specified Project(s). Please remove 'AssignedTo' from your query and try again.

    "State": "Closed",
    "AssignedTo": {
        "UserName": "User 2"
    "State": "New",
    "AssignedTo": {
        "UserName": "User 1"

When I try to do the same with a normal property, everything works fine:<organisation>/<project>/_odata/v2.0/WorkItems?
$filter=WorkItemType eq 'Activity'&
$apply=groupby((State, WorkItemType),aggregate($count as TotalCount))


  • You can use the below query url.{orgname}/{projectname}/_odata/v2.0/WorkItems?
    $apply=filter(WorkItemType eq 'Bug')/groupby((AssignedTo/UserName, WorkItemType),aggregate($count as TotalCount))

    And then you will get the result as below.

        "@odata.context": "{orgname}/{projectname}/_odata/v2.0/$metadata#WorkItems(AssignedTo(UserName),WorkItemType,TotalCount)",
        "value": [
                "": null,
                "WorkItemType": "Bug",
                "TotalCount": 3,
                "AssignedTo": {
                    "": null,
                    "UserName": "{username1}"
                "": null,
                "WorkItemType": "Bug",
                "TotalCount": 4,
                "AssignedTo": {
                    "": null,
                    "UserName": "{username2}"

    Hope this help.