I am trying to pad a string that contains product and price. I have upgraded from MSSQL 2008 TO MSSQL 2017 (EXPRESS). I am unable to achieve the results that I was getting before.
In MSSQL 2008 I was using the following:
dbo.String.Padright(rtrim(p.Name_en),30,'.'), p.Price
Now, MSSQL 2017 this function does not work. I am unable to figure out how to pad with a character.
This is the output I am looking to achieve:
pName....................... 12.00
You can use right
for leading and left
for trailing dots functions, i used space()
function to replicate .
select right(replace(space(30), space(1), '.') + rtrim(cast(p.Name_en as varchar(max)),30), p.Price
For trailing dots
select left(trim(cast(p.Name_e as varchar(max)))+replace(space(30), space(1), '.'),30)