I'm creating a game in Phaser 3, using the matter physics, as I've done before. A problem I've never run into until now, however, involves animations and movement. I want my animation to only play while the player is moving, and stop when he stops moving, like a player would in a real game.
I've tried all sorts of do-while loops, using "animationcomplete"
and without it. I've also tried having my animation on loop (repeat: -1
) and having it set to only execute once.
I DO know that, .isDown
tracks the key and does the following code as long as it as pressed, versus .JustDown
only executing it once. I'm not really sure which to use there either.
Code for animation
//Running right animation
var runRightFrameNames = this.anims.generateFrameNames('sheet', {
start: 14,
end: 16,
zeroPad: 4,
prefix: 'run_right/'
key: 'runRight',
frames: runRightFrameNames,
frameRate: 1,
repeat: 0
Current code inside update()
function, not the only thing I've tried
//If the right arrowkey is pressed
if (this.arrowKeys.right.isDown) {
//Move player
//Play animation
//When animation is done, stop hero
this.hero.on("animationcomplete", () => {
You can modify your code snippet like this:
//If the right arrowkey is pressed
if (this.arrowKeys.right._justDown) {
console.log('Cursor right is pressed!');
//Move player
//Play animation
} else if (this.arrowKeys.right._justUp) {
console.log('Cursor right is NOT pressed!');
To fix the hero's animation change this line this.hero.anims.play('runRight');
to this.hero.anims.play('runRight', true);
You should also change the repeat
value to -1
like so:
key: 'runRight', frames: runRightFrameNames, frameRate: 6, repeat: -1