I used Vuex with vue-apollo.
But now i know vue-apollo store data in cache then i can use local state by using cache.
When i saw offical document from local state
I knew how can i get and set data from local state but there is no mention how to get data from remote server.
I saw this code from document, they just write to cache temp data.
data: {
todoItems: [
__typename: 'Item',
id: 'dqdBHJGgjgjg',
text: 'test',
done: true,
So, i think i can get remote data by using vue-apollo query like below.
apollo: {
world: {
query: gql`query {
update: data => data.hello
After i get server data like above, i can query/mutate from local state.
But this is only my guess, is this correct?
I found example from github. My guess is right.