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How to setup guessjs in an angular cli project using the ui-router?

I am trying to setup guessjs for prefetching some of my modules currently via a static routes.json file. The project uses angular cli with custom webpack config as described here

However, the project uses UI router for routing rather than the Angular Router module.

This is the custom-webpack config file

new GuessPlugin({
            // Alternatively you can provide a Google Analytics View ID
            // GA: 'XXXXXX',
            reportProvider() {
                return Promise.resolve(
            runtime: {
                delegate: false
            routeProvider() {
                return parseRoutes('.');

And this is custom routes.json file

    "/": {
        "/connection": 50

And this is in my app.routes.ts file

        name: 'connection.**',
        url: '/connection',
        loadChildren: () => import('../connection/connection.module').then((m) => m.ConnectionModule)

When I run the build, in the terminal I don't see any mappings in the table

๐Ÿ”ฎ Guess.js introduced the following prefetching instructions:

โ•‘ Prefetcher โ”‚ Target โ”‚ Probability โ•‘

This table is empty. I believe this table should be populated with the route specified in the routes.json?

Is there any separate config I need to do setup guessjs to be used with UI Router?

Angular: 8.2.0 UI Router: 4.0.0 guess-parser: 0.4.12 guess-webpack: 0.4.12

Thank you for your help.


  • Just got a response from the owner of the library - UI Router is not currently supported by Guess.js just the Angular Router for Angular apps. Hope this helps.