please help!
The database contains geodata of cities in WKB format.
In each row in columns d1, d2, d3
(delivery companies), the values are 1 or 0
. 1 means that there is delivery in this city. 0 means no.
If in the column d1 for any row there is 0
(no delivery), I need to find the nearest (by distance) zone for this company, where there is delivery and write the id of this zone in a new column d1_nearest (or update the data if the column is already created).
In the same way, for other delivery companies d2 in d2_nearest, d3 in d3_nearest
If d1 = 1
is set (this means that there is delivery in this zone), and d1_nearest
is = "NULL"
Source table:
|id |name |geom |d1 |d2 |d3 |
|7499 |Rublevo|010300 ... B40|1 |0 |0 |
|7534 |Troitsk|010300 ... B40|1 |0 |0 |
|9629 |Maryino|010300 ... B40|1 |0 |0 |
|9937 |Vnukovo|010300 ... B40|1 |1 |0 |
|10724|Pihtino|010300 ... B40|1 |1 |0 |
|10996|Bobrovo|010300 ... B40|1 |1 |0 |
I search result like this:
|id |name |geom |d1 |d2 |d3 |d1_nearest|d2_nearest|d3_nearest|
|7499 |Rublevo|010300 ... B40|1 |0 |0 |NULL |8248 |8248 |
|7534 |Troitsk|010300 ... B40|1 |0 |0 |NULL |9937 |10723 |
|9629 |Maryino|010300 ... B40|1 |0 |0 |NULL |9937 |10723 |
|9937 |Vnukovo|010300 ... B40|1 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |10723 |
|10724|Pihtino|010300 ... B40|1 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |10723 |
|10996|Bobrovo|010300 ... B40|1 |1 |0 |NULL |NULL |11022 |
I did this, but for this option i need two tables. And I still did not understand how to make a cycle for the entire table and setting values for each column from the delivery companies ... I am not very good at programming.
Please help with the task!
SELECT As name,
t1.geom As geom, As name,
t2.geom As geom,
ST_Distance (
ST_Transform (t1.geom :: geometry, 3857),
ST_Transform (t2.geom :: geometry, 3857)
) as dist
FROM cities11 As t1, cities10 As t2
WHERE = '7499' AND <> AND t2.d1 = '1'
ORDER BY ST_Distance (t1.geom, t2.geom)
Sample code from this page
Many Many Thx!!!
I am not quite sure about your tablenames and about geometry. But if you replace the tablename and <distance_function(c.geom, c2.geom)>
to something giving you the distance between the cities, this might help:
UPDATE cities c
SET d1_nearest = (
FROM cities c2
WHERE c2.d1 = 1
ORDER BY <distance_function(c.geom, c2.geom)>
) WHERE d1 = 0;
For the other two columns it is analogous. Of course you need to create the new columns in advance.