For some calculation i need to remove all keys in whole collection if he has in any array NULL value.
for example
'butter'=>['iron'=>5, 'magnesium'=>3.5],
'salt'=>['iron'=>2, 'magnesium'=>2],
'egg'=>['iron'=>4, 'magnesium'=>NULL]
Because one of item is empty i need new array to be like this
I'm not sure i can accomplish this with Laravel collection, maybe there is better way with pure php.
P.S. Sorry my english is not so good
OK i make this code and this work like i want, but i think its ugly is there some better way with Laravel collection or in pure php
'butter'=>['iron'=>5, 'magnesium'=>3.5, 'calcium'=>3],
'salt'=>['iron'=>2, 'magnesium'=>2, 'calcium'=>6],
'egg'=>['iron'=>4, 'magnesium'=>NULL, 'calcium'=>5]
foreach($foods as $food)
foreach($food as $key=>$value){
if(is_null($value)&&!in_array($key, $nutrientsWithNull))
foreach($foods as $key=>$food)
foreach($nutrientsWithNull as $withNull ) {
and result is
'butter'=>['iron'=>5, 'calcium'=>3],
'salt'=>['iron'=>2, 'calcium'=>6],
'egg'=>['iron'=>4, 'calcium'=>5]