I'm looking to minimize the size of my software distribution, and groovy-all.jar
is by far the biggest JAR. Groovy is used for logback configuration[1]. On the bottom of the Groovy download page there's a section on the split Groovy distribution.
Which modules / JAR files does logback need to function properly? Is just groovy.jar
[1] Yes, I realize I could configure logback with XML, eliminating the need for Groovy support. That is not my question.
I haven't found a source, but as of logback version 1.0.13 my tests show that groovy-jsr223 is needed as well. If I import only groovy in my pom.xml, logback complains about missing classes. The error message is
ERROR in ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext[default] - Groovy classes are not available on the class path. ABORTING INITIALIZATION.
My dependency configuration that works is: