I have been training a conditional GAN architecture similar to Pix2Pix with the following training-loop:
for epoch in range(start_epoch, end_epoch):
for batch_i, (input_batch, target_batch) in enumerate(dataLoader.load_batch(batch_size)):
fake_batch= self.generator.predict(input_batch)
d_loss_real = self.discriminator.train_on_batch(target_batch, valid)
d_loss_fake = self.discriminator.train_on_batch(fake_batch, invalid)
d_loss = np.add(d_loss_fake, d_loss_real) * 0.5
g_loss = self.combined.train_on_batch([target_batch, input_batch], [valid, target_batch])
Now this works well, but it is not very efficient as the dataloader quickly becomes a bottleneck time-wise. I have looked into the .fit_generator() function that keras provides, which allows the generator to run in a worker thread and runs much faster.
callbacks=[checkpointCallback, historyCallback],
It took me some time to see that this was incorrect, I wasn't training my generator and discriminator separately anymore and the discriminator wasn't being trained at all since it it set to trainable = False
in the combined model, essentially ruining any kind of adversarial loss, and I might as well train my generator by itself with MSE
Now my question is if there is some work around, such as training my discriminator inside a custom callback, which is triggered each batch of the .fit_generator() method? It is possible to implement to create custom callbacks, like this for example:
class MyCustomCallback(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_train_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
Another possibility would be to parallelise the original training loop, but I am afraid that I have no time to do that right now.
Update: There are built in enqueuers for this:
: SequenceEnqueuertf.keras.utils.OrdereEnqueuer
: OrderedEnqueuerYou can check a quick way to use them in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/59214794/2097240
Old answer:
I created this parallelized iterator exactly for that purpose. I use it in my trainings;
This is how you use it:
for epoch, batchIndex, originalBatchIndex, xAndY in ParallelIterator(
workers = 8,
#loop content
x_train_batch, y_train_batch = xAndY
model.train_on_batch(x_train_batch, y_train_batch)
The generator
there should be your dataloader
, but it needs to be a keras.utils.Sequence
, not just a yield generator.
But it's not very complicated to adapt if you need. (I just don't know if it will parallelize properly, though, I don't know if yield loops can be properly parallelized)
In the iterator definition below, you should replace:
with steps_per_epoch
with next(keras_sequence)
use_on_epoch_end = False
And this is the iterator definition:
import multiprocessing.dummy as mp
#A generator that wraps a Keras Sequence and simulates a `fit_generator` behavior for custom training loops
#It will also work with any iterator that has `__len__` and `__getitem__`.
def ParallelIterator(keras_sequence, epochs, shuffle, use_on_epoch_end, workers = 4, queue_size = 10):
sourceQueue = mp.Queue() #queue for getting batch indices
batchQueue = mp.Queue(maxsize = queue_size) #queue for getting actual batches
indices = np.arange(len(keras_sequence)) #array of indices to be shuffled
use_on_epoch_end = 'on_epoch_end' in dir(keras_sequence) if use_on_epoch_end == True else False
batchesLeft = 0
# printQueue = mp.Queue() #queue for printing messages
# import threading
# screenLock = threading.Semaphore(value=1)
# totalWorkers= 0
# def printer():
# nonlocal printQueue, printing
# while printing:
# while not printQueue.empty():
# text = printQueue.get(block=True)
# screenLock.acquire()
# print(text)
# screenLock.release()
#fills the batch indices queue (called when sourceQueue is empty -> a few batches before an epoch ends)
def fillSource():
nonlocal batchesLeft
# printQueue.put("Iterator: fill source - source qsize = " + str(sourceQueue.qsize()))
if shuffle == True:
#puts the indices in the indices queue
batchesLeft += len(indices)
# printQueue.put("Iterator: batches left:" + str(batchesLeft))
for i in indices:
#function that will load batches from the Keras Sequence
def worker():
nonlocal sourceQueue, batchQueue, keras_sequence, batchesLeft
# nonlocal printQueue, totalWorkers
# totalWorkers += 1
# thisWorker = totalWorkers
while True:
# printQueue.put('Worker: ' + str(thisWorker) + ' will try to get item')
index = sourceQueue.get(block = True) #get index from the queue
# printQueue.put('Worker: ' + str(thisWorker) + ' got item ' + str(index) + " - source q size = " + str(sourceQueue.qsize()))
if index is None:
item = keras_sequence[index] #get batch from the sequence
batchesLeft -= 1
# printQueue.put('Worker: ' + str(thisWorker) + ' batches left ' + str(batchesLeft))
batchQueue.put((index,item), block=True) #puts batch in the batch queue
# printQueue.put('Worker: ' + str(thisWorker) + ' added item ' + str(index) + ' - queue: ' + str(batchQueue.qsize()))
# printQueue.put("hitting end of worker" + str(thisWorker))
# #printing pool that will print messages from the print queue
# printing = True
# printPool = mp.Pool(1, printer)
#creates the thread pool that will work automatically as we get from the batch queue
pool = mp.Pool(workers, worker)
fillSource() #at this point, data starts being taken and stored in the batchQueue
#generation loop
for epoch in range(epochs):
#if not waiting for epoch end synchronization, always keeps 1 epoch filled ahead
if (use_on_epoch_end == False):
if epoch + 1 < epochs: #only fill if not last epoch
for batch in range(len(keras_sequence)):
#if waiting for epoch end synchronization, wait for workers to have no batches left to get, then call epoch end and fill
if use_on_epoch_end == True:
if batchesLeft == 0:
if epoch + 1 < epochs: #only fill if not last epoch
batchesLeft = -1 #in the last epoch, prevents from calling epoch end again and again
#yields batches for the outside loop that is using this generator
originalIndex, batchItems = batchQueue.get(block = True)
yield epoch, batch, originalIndex, batchItems
# print("iterator epoch end")
# printQueue.put("closing threads")
#terminating the pool - add None to the queue so any blocked worker gets released
for i in range(workers):
# printQueue.put("terminated")
# printing = False
# printPool.terminate()
# printPool.close()
# printPool.join()
del pool,sourceQueue,batchQueue
# del printPool, printQueue