I'm trying to print labels with the euro sign (€) and with characters with an acute on (é, è, à, ë,...).
I have fixed the isolated problems of both:
The euro sign was fixed by adding ^CI0,21,36.
The acute problem was solved using ^CI28 and ^FDBelgi_C3_AB (to print België).
But I fail to find a way to make them both print because one if using CI0 and the other one is using CI28. How can print €, ë, é, è, à, ... all on one label?
Using CI28,21,36 also doesn't solve the issue.
I already looked at This question, this question and this question and am using a Zebra ZD420 printer.
You can use CP-1252 (^CI27) to print all those characters:
^FH^FDprint _80, _EB, _E9, _E8, _E0, ... all on one label?^FS
Full listing of hex values for CP-1252 can be found in the "Zebra Code Pages" section of the ZPL manual.
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