Here is the problem:
Read streams of (x, y) pairs from the command line. Modify the script such that it reads a stream of (x, y) pairs from the command line and writes the modified pairs (x, f(y)) to a file. The usage of the new script, here called, should be like this:
this is the input to the command line:
python tmp.out 1.1 3 2.6 8.3 7 -0.1675
resulting in an output file tmp.out:
Hint: Run through the sys.argv array in a for loop and use the range function with appropriate start index and increment Below is the original script:
import sys, math
infilename = sys.argv[1]
outfilename = sys.argv[2]
print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "infile outfile")
ifile = open(infilename, 'r') # open file for reading
ofile = open(outfilename, 'w') # open file for writing
def myfunc(y):
if y >= 0.0:
return y ** 5 * math.exp(-y)
return 0.0
read ifile line by line and write out transformed values:
for line in ifile:
pair = line.split()
x = float(pair[0])
y = float(pair[1])
fy = myfunc(y) # transform y value
ofile.write('hello' '%g %12.5e\n' % (x, fy))
any clues on how to modify the above code to properly run the command line argument and generate the tmp.out file with the coordinate pairs would be really helpful
This should solve the problem:
import sys, math
outfilename = sys.argv[1]
print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "outfile pairs")
ofile = open(outfilename, 'w') # open file for writing
def myfunc(y):
if y >= 0.0:
return y ** 5 * math.exp(-y)
return 0.0
# Loop through y values, using slices to start at position 3
# and get every second value
for i, y in enumerate(sys.argv[3::2]):
# The corresponding x value is the one before the selected y value
x = sys.argv[2:][i*2]
# Call myfunc with y, converting y from string to float.
fy = myfunc(float(y))
# Write output using f-strings
ofile.write(f'({x}, {fy})\n')