I am using Robot Framework and am trying to simulate a carriage return/key press of the enter key within a a text field. The functionality behind this element is once a page number has been entered into thie text field and the enter key pressed the viewer will navigate to that given page.
I have tried ascii codes to no avail:
Press Key css=div[id='viewer-toolbar-pagination'] \\13
Press Key css=div[id='viewer-toolbar-pagination'] \\10
Press Key css=div[id='viewer-toolbar-pagination'] \\176
I have sent other ascii codes to the same element e.g. \32 (space) and that worked fine.
Any help appreciated.
To press Enter in RobotFramework selenium the code is
Press Keys locator_here ENTER
And Space is
Press Keys locator_here SPACE
Atleast Tab works like this, I haven't tested others, but I think this will help a little bit (even tho I'm 3 years late)