Search code examples

Should this be a SUMIF formula?

I'm trying to make a formula that can recognize in Column A the name Brooke B for instance here, from there I'd like to SUM the values listed in Column I Cash Discounts for that specific user.

(Yes this user has no Cash Discounts, thus column I states "Non-Cash Payment").

There's about 80 users total here, so I'd prefer to automate the name recognition in Column A. Sheet:

Desired Results listed in Cash Discounts sheet, listed per user in column C. enter image description here


  • You are trying to calculate the total amount of the Cash Discount per person given to people in a list. You have data that has been exported from a POS system to which that you have added a formula to calculate the amout of the discount on a line by line basis. You have speculated whether the discount totals could be calculated using SUMIFS formulae.

    In my view, the layout of the spreadsheet and the format of the POS report do not lend themselves to isolating discrete data elements though Google sheets functions (though, no doubt, someone with greater skills than I will disprove this theory). Column A, containing names, also includes sub-groupings (and their sub-totals) as well as transaction dates. There are 83 unique persons and over 31,900 transaction lines.

    This answer is a script-based solution which updates a sheet with the names and values of the discount totals. The elapsed execution time is @11 seconds.

    function so5882893202() {
      var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      // get the Discounts sheet
      var discsheetname = "Discounts";
      var disc = ss.getSheetByName(discsheetname);
      //get the Discounts data
      var discStartrow = 3;
      var discLR = disc.getLastRow();
      var discRange = disc.getRange(discStartrow, 1, discLR-discStartrow+1, 9);
      var discValues = discRange.getValues();
      // isolate Column A
      var discnameCol ={return e[0];});//[[e],[e],[e]]=>[e,e,e]
      //Logger.log(discnameCol); // DEBUG
      // isolate Column I
      var discDiscounts ={return e[8];});//[[e],[e],[e]]=>[e,e,e]
      //Logger.log(discDiscounts); // DEBUG
      // create an array to build a names list
      var names =[]
      // get the number of rows on the Discounts sheet
      var discNumrows = discLR-discStartrow+1;
      // Logger.log("DEBUG: number of rows = "+discNumrows);
      // identify search terms
      var searchPercent = "%";
      var searchTotal = "Total";
      // loop through Column A
      for (var i=0; i<discNumrows; i++){
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: i="+i+", content = "+discnameCol[i]);
        // test if value is a date
        if ([i]) != "[object Date]") {
           //Logger.log("it isn't a date") 
          // test whether the value contains a % sign
          if ( discnameCol[i].indexOf(searchPercent) === -1){
            //Logger.log("it doesn't have a % character in the content");
            // test whether the value contains the word Total
            if ( discnameCol[i].indexOf(searchTotal) === -1){
              //Logger.log("it doesn't have the word total in the content");
              // test whether the value is a blank
              if (discnameCol[i] != ""){
                //Logger.log("it isn't empty");
                // this is a name; add it to the list
              }// end test for empty
            }// end test for Total
          } // end for percentage
         }  // end test for date
      }// end for
      // get the number of names
      var numnames = names.length;
      //Logger.log("DEBUG: number of names = "+numnames)
      // create an array for the discount details
      var discounts=[];
      // loop through the names
      for (var i=0;i<numnames;i++){
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: name = "+names[i]);
        // get the first row and last rows for this name 
        var startrow = discnameCol.indexOf(names[i]);
        var endrow = discnameCol.lastIndexOf(names[i]+" Total:");
        var x = 0;
        var value = 0;
        // Logger.log("name = "+names[i]+", start row ="+ startrow+", end row = "+endrow);
        // loop through the Cash Discounts Column (Column I) for this name 
        // from the start row to the end row
        for (var r = startrow; r<endrow;r++){ 
          // get the vaue of the cell
          value = discDiscounts[r];
          // test that it is a value
          if (!isNaN(value)){
            // increment x by the value
            x = +x+value;
            // Logger.log("DEBUG: r = "+r+", value = "+value+", x = "+x);
        // push the name and the total discount onto the array
      // get the reporting sheet
      var reportsheet = "Sheet10";
      var report = ss.getSheetByName(reportsheet);
      // define the range (allow row 1 for headers)
      var reportRange = report.getRange(2,1,numnames,2);
      // clear any existing content
      //update the values

    Report Sheet - extract

    Report Sheet extract